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Collection: May - Emerald

Celebrate the birthstone for May

Welcome May with hope and joy. Renew yourself or someone else this spring! Let this beautiful green gemstone bring happiness, good fortune, and youthfulness to you or a loved one this month.

Green - The color green is the color of money. It’s also the color of grass. And trees. And the ocean. And the salad you had for lunch.

Money - Emerald is the birthstone for May. The month with the most holidays. Which means it’s a great time to get paid.

Youth - Emerald is also the gemstone for a 20 year old. Which means that if you buy an emerald, you’ll feel like you’re 20 again.

Emerald - The greenest green known to man.

May - A month, a day, and a stone all named after the same person, may.

Birthstone - The birthstone for the month of May.

Unique - Emerald is one of the rarest gemstones. Today there are less than 6 mines producing emeralds in all of North America, with the majority found only at one site in Colombia.

Protective - Throughout history, emerald has been valued as a talisman against poison and thieves because it was thought to banish evil spirits.

Long Lasting - Emerald is one of the hardest stones on earth which makes it very durable.

Birthday - A perfect gift for a birth month.

Green - A refreshing gemstone.

Symbolic - Symbolizes rebirth and new beginnings.