A Simple Guide on How to Tell Real Crystals from Fakes with Fire

Have you ever wondered how to test if crystals are real? Well, there's a simple and quick method that can help you differentiate real crystals from fakes, and that's by using fire. Crystals have become a popular trend lately, but it can be difficult to tell the real ones apart from their imitations. That's why in this blog post, we'll be sharing a comprehensive guide on how to tell real crystals from fakes with fire. Keep reading to learn how to identify genuine crystals through simple tests and prevent yourself from getting scammed by purchasing counterfeit stones.

The fire test

Burning fire inside a drum

Another popular way to test the authenticity of a crystal is the fire test. Before you attempt this test, you must be sure that the crystal is not treated or coated, as this can alter the results of the test. Additionally, this test is not recommended for delicate or flammable crystals. 

To conduct the fire test, heat a needle or wire until it is red hot, then quickly touch the tip to the crystal. A real crystal will remain unchanged, but a fake crystal will either shatter, crack, or melt due to the heat. 

It's important to remember that this test is not foolproof, and some crystals may be more resistant to heat than others. Also, you should take proper precautions when using fire to avoid injury or damage to the crystal.

The  acid test

The acid test is a tried and true method for determining whether or not a crystal is genuine. This test involves placing a drop of acid, usually nitric acid, on the crystal. If the crystal is genuine, it will not be affected by the acid. If it is a fake or synthetic crystal, it will react with the acid, fizzing or dissolving completely.

It is important to note that this test can be dangerous and should only be performed by a trained professional in a well-ventilated area. Additionally, certain types of crystals, such as calcite and limestone, will also react with acid, so it is important to do further research on the specific crystal being tested before attempting the acid test.

While the acid test is not foolproof, it is a valuable tool in determining the authenticity of a crystal. If the crystal passes the acid test, it is likely that it is a genuine specimen. However, it is always a good idea to use additional testing methods, such as the salt water test or rubbing alcohol test, to confirm the crystal's authenticity.

The  salt water test

The salt water test is a common method used to determine if a crystal is genuine or not. It's a simple yet effective way to test your crystals' authenticity, and you can do it with household items.

To start, you'll need a small bowl, some water, and table salt. Pour the water into the bowl and add enough salt to saturate the solution. The next step is to place your crystal into the bowl and let it soak for a few hours.

Once the time is up, take a look at your crystal. If it looks the same as before, it's likely a real crystal. However, if it's become cloudy or rough in texture, it may not be genuine.

So, what does this test tell us? Real crystals have a consistent chemical structure that's resistant to changes in temperature and pH levels. They also won't react with the salt water. In contrast, fake crystals made from glass or plastic will dissolve or show some change in appearance after being soaked in salt water.

It's essential to note that not all crystals will react the same way in this test. Some may be coated or treated with chemicals, which may affect their results. Therefore, it's best to combine the salt water test with other tests, such as the acid test and rubbing alcohol test, to get a better picture of your crystal's authenticity.

The  rubbing alcohol test

Another common method to test the authenticity of a crystal is the rubbing alcohol test. This test is particularly effective for gemstones like quartz, amethyst, and citrine. Here are the steps you need to follow:

Step 1: Clean the crystal

Before conducting the test, it's essential to clean the crystal thoroughly. You can use mild soap and warm water to remove any dirt, dust, or residue.

Step 2: Prepare the rubbing alcohol solution

Take a small glass or plastic bowl and pour some rubbing alcohol into it. Make sure you use enough rubbing alcohol to cover the crystal entirely.

Step 3: Soak the crystal

Put the crystal in the rubbing alcohol solution and let it soak for at least 5-10 minutes.

Step 4: Observe the solution

Take out the crystal from the rubbing alcohol solution and observe the solution. If the rubbing alcohol has changed color or has debris floating around, it indicates that the crystal is a fake.

Step 5: Dry the crystal

After conducting the rubbing alcohol test, dry the crystal thoroughly before putting it back in your collection.

It's essential to keep in mind that the rubbing alcohol test is not suitable for porous crystals like malachite and turquoise, as they can absorb the rubbing alcohol and get damaged.

By conducting the rubbing alcohol test, you can quickly determine the authenticity of your crystal. If the crystal passes the test, you can be confident that it's genuine and worthy of being in your collection. However, it's essential to be careful and do your research before conducting any tests, as some crystals can get damaged by harsh chemicals.

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